It's always a good time to visit Waterbury and we are rolling out the red carpet to welcome you!
Discover great year-round experiences, places to eat and drink, things to see and do, where to shop, and more information from Discover Waterbury.
Plan a trip around some of our annual summer events, like Waterbury Arts Fest, Waterbury Farmers Market, Concerts in the Park, Not Quite Independence Day, Vermont Classic and Antique Car Show, and more.
Already have your vacation dates set? Look at the calendar of events to see what else is happening when you're in town.
Although we are undergoing road improvement projects in the area, everywhere you want to go is accessible and eager for you to visit. Most work will occur outside peak travel times, so you “can get there from here” and visit our many world class businesses and attractions.
For more resources to plan your visit to Waterbury, visit